Thursday, December 8, 2011

Does India suffering from too much democray?

I think its not matter of weather India enjoying too much democracy. I think in Inida there is no proper democracy. First few elite of India enjoy the democracy. most of people driven by these people and what the elite population say India follow. I think proper information to the commoon people not reaching out and that is the reason behind it. people should be well educated and well informed to the policy and other moves of the government. People are miss guide the by the sissue which not contain the peoper importance in our life. We talk about India have a too much democracy, actually India dont have peoper demoracy million of people are without the daily life requirement and suffering form shotage of food , house and othes daily materials. According to me follwing are the necessary componets of democracy (1)law of land nad equal to every body. (2) proper eduction system and well eduction

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