Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hello Korea: 인사동

I am living in the seoul from last 3 years and and i am found of going many place in seoul. Insadong (인사동) is one of my favourite place. i visit many time to this palce and alwyas love to see the Korean traditional stuff. I love to eat korean food and this is best place.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Does India suffering from too much democray?

I think its not matter of weather India enjoying too much democracy. I think in Inida there is no proper democracy. First few elite of India enjoy the democracy. most of people driven by these people and what the elite population say India follow. I think proper information to the commoon people not reaching out and that is the reason behind it. people should be well educated and well informed to the policy and other moves of the government. People are miss guide the by the sissue which not contain the peoper importance in our life. We talk about India have a too much democracy, actually India dont have peoper demoracy million of people are without the daily life requirement and suffering form shotage of food , house and othes daily materials. According to me follwing are the necessary componets of democracy (1)law of land nad equal to every body. (2) proper eduction system and well eduction

My experince with Hangbok

I have great experice to wear Hangbok with my friend at Seoul Namsan traditional theatre. The feeling to wear Hangbook was great and feel like King..i really enjoy a lot. the Hangbok culture in Korea is gowing to disapear in everyday life but they use to wear Hangbok during festival...
I wear Hangbok during Chusak...Love korea dress

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Art Party

Korean Art Party

I am Bhushan Kumar from India and one of the active members of ISF. I am thanking to ISF that they invite me. I was little late in party but it was very nice. I was surprise to see so many people there. I love the art and painting. During my middle and High school days I used to make carton and some time painting and after this art party once again my days come to alive.
In this art party painting was so lively and natural that’s easily attracts the attention. I talk to many painter and they explain to us. They are very kind and look very artistic.

I was the only Indian in the list and I was happy and surprise to see my name below the flag. Thanks ISF.

The picture is kind for mystery for me because this picture looks like the girl is crying and very sad but painter of this picture explain to me that this girl is not crying. This oil painting looks very livery and looks symbol of kind and simplicity. Thanks to this painter who makes the picture lively.

The the picture I like most especially the color combination is the great. This looks like the tree is enclose with the flower. This is unique combination of pink. This picture is simply great.

The is the world map with unique features. I think this is the first kind of world map which is full of color combination. This picture is difficult to understand without what guideline of painter. I don’t understand why painter put the much white color on the Asiatic side and west ad much read color. This picture is difficult to understand but very fascinating and interesting.

The picture seems to be two meaning one is sunrise and others looks like nest. The color is beautiful and looks very good.

The painting is oil painting and I talk to the painter and the life of this painting is very long. Even the water will go it will be ok. Its so the Korean traditional dance form and leady in white Hanbok.

The painting reminds me the Jungle. The painting is so natural and looks very lively.

The painting shows the life in the tree. According to me every living thing has life and painter also try to show the life of tree in the human form.
I really enjoy the painting a lots. Thanks for inviting me, again I want to attend.
Thanks once again 

Bhushan Kumar
Kookmin University

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Doko Island

My travel to Jeju Island

My life In seoul

My Life in Seoul

I come from Bihar (India), the land of Buddha and land of three religions namely Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The bank of great Ganga River was the playing ground for my child hood and Jawaharlal Nehru University is my alma mater. I am very luck for my education; I experienced every kind of schooling in India form small village to capital city (Delhi). I come from political family where my mother and elder brother is politician. Personal I don’t want to join the politics.
I went to New Delhi form my home town and that time I don’t know much about Korea. That time I never aspect that Korea will be one of the important part of my life.
I got Korean Government Scholarship in 2008 and came to Korea. I studied 1 year Korean language in Yonsei University and join the Kookmin University for my PhD course. I am majoring in International Relation and I love this subject. This subject helps me to understand the world politics and how International relations work.
Its almost 3 year stay in Korea and I learn lots of things about Korea and Korean culture. I travel lots of Korean provinces like Gyeonggi, Gang wonand Youngnan. The Jeju and Dokdo Islands was most attractive travel for me. Especially Dokdo and Ullungdo Island is beautiful and glorious. There was high tide during my Dokdo Island visit and creates lots of burden among all foreign friends. I went almost 4 times to 38 parallel lines and it’s reminded me the division of India and Pakistan. We are same people but political boundary separates us. South Korean and North Korean are same people but divided in to two parts and its one kind of failure of Korean nationalism. 38th parallel line is the world’s huge military concentration and still reminds the Cold War era in Korean Peninsula.
I have very good experiences of working, training and global camps in Korea. I did 6th Seoul Global Internship in 2011 and learn lots of working culture in Korea. The Korean working culture is very hard and long hours but same time I learn a lots. In Korean working culture is based on hierarchy and some time is very dangerous. It has both side negative as well as positive sides. I have seen some time boss scolding their juniors. One day my Korean colleague fell down in subway because of stress and it’s so bad. Because of globalization it’s getting very normal in many countries including my country.
Last year I joined the Saemaul Undong training which holds training session for foreign students every years. It was a great opportunity for me to learn about the community development methods that had been applied in Korea, specifically about the Saemaul Undong movement which was the driving force of Korea's rapid economic development. The most important thing I learn this training was how Korean people developed their society without government adds and subsidies.
Currently I am working for Seoul International student forum 2011 under Seoul Global centre and with 84 members from 32 different countries. This program started in 2008 and its main objective to make Seoul a foreigner friendly city and support and enhance the living condition of international as well as domestic people.
Living in Korea gives me new dimension of thinking process and this city teach me how to live global world. I am always happy to meet new friends because it boost my knowledge about others culture. Seoul is true cosmopolitan city of world where one shares one idea and experience to each others.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Yeosu Expo 2012 Honam province (South Korea)

Yeosu Expo
1. Introdution
2. photo and video
3. interview with the officials working for Yeosu expo 2012

1. Introduction Yeosu Expo 2012
Expo 2012Yeosu Korea ( 2012 여수세계박람회) is an International Exposition recognized by the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE) to be held in Yeosu, South Korea from May 12 to August 12, 2012. The theme of the Expo is “The Living Ocean and Coast” with subthemes of “Preservation and Sustainable Development of the Ocean and Coast,” “New Resources Technology,” and “Creative Marine Activities.” The Yeosu Expo is anticipating participation of more than 100 countries and international organizations, and 8 million visitors.

2. Concept and purpose of Yeosu Expo 2012
The Best Practices indicate outstanding policies, technologies, know-hows, and products that would be considered and recognized as the highest standards of the time. The Best Practice Area, or BPA, is an area where the best practices are staged.
The Ocean and Coast Best Practice Area, or OCBPA, aims to provide the global maritime frontier, i.e., models and references for the world's best policies, technologies, and products in the fields of ocean and coast.
3. Location and history of Yeosu
Yeosu (Yeosu-si) is a city in South Jeolla Province, South Korea. Old Yeosu City, which was founded in 1949, Yeocheon City, founded in 1986, and Yeocheon County were merged into a new city in 1998.
The city of Yeosu consists of the Yeosu peninsula as well as 317 islands (49 inhabited, 268 uninhabited). Being midway along southern coast of South Korea, it is flanked by Namhae County in South Gyeongsang Province to the east with natural waterway, and the Bay of Suncheon to the west and northwest, the city of Suncheon sprawling along its banks. The city has three different City Halls. On 1 April 1998, the cities of Yeosu and Yeocheon, along with Yeocheon County merged to form the unified city of Yeosu.
Thanks to the sea wind and warm current, Yeosu has cool summers and mild winters. Its ocean climate also brings Yeosu relatively longer springs and autumns than other regions. Yeosu is a city of history and loyalty where the headquarters of South Jeolla Province Navy Base was located, and the Great Admiral Yi Sun Shin invented the Geobukseon (turtle ship) to save the country while serving as the Navy Commander.
Due to its appeal as an international ocean resort and tourist city, as well as its close proximity to the Yeocheon Industrial Complex, Yeosu has seen much development during the past several decades.

4. why is chose Yeosu
I did lots of advertisement for Yeosu Expo 2012. And it’s my natural choice to advertise about Yeosu.

5. why I am going to do at Yeosu:
I am going to take lots of photo and video at Yeosu. I am going to take interview from officials member of Yeosu Expo 2012. Following are the question?
(1) What is all about yeosu Expo 2012?
(2) How you are advertising the Yeosu Expo 2012 to the foreign countries?
(3) What kind of facilities are you going to give for foreigner who visits Yeosu Expo 2012?
(4) How Yeosu Expo is good for Korean economy?
(5) How it will improve the infrastructure of Yeosu city?
Following are the list of official’s member I am going to take interview. Please talk to them arranges everything for me. I am going to give you the information of that officials members:
(1) Kim Sara
Contact no: + 1095181898
(2) 조용환
Contact no: 1196451663